In Augmented Reality News
November 7, 2023 – Vuzix Corporation, a supplier of smart glasses and augmented reality (AR) technology and products, has this week announced what it states is a breakthrough in optical waveguide design and performance for see-through AR smart glasses.
Vuzix’ new ‘INCOGNITO’ technology “virtually eliminates” the forward eye glow typically associated with waveguide-based smart glasses. According to the company, it is the first waveguide-based technology in the world to achieve this level of performance.
With the company’s new technological advancement, light leakage from the front surfaces of AR smart glasses that is typically witnessed with many current industry solutions, as well as potential haze and virtual images, virtually disappear with Vuzix’ advancement.
Based on the Vuzix intellectual property, which now exceeds 325 patents and patents pending focused on displays and waveguides, Vuzix noted that its INCOGNITO technology manages internal light reflection and thus minimizes and manages forward light leakage within a waveguide.
Vuzix added that its solution also helps to enhance low light optical performance, and the new technology advances Vuzix’ forward light ratio of 1:8 (a higher forward light ratio means that more of the light generated by the display reaches the user’s eyes, which can lead to a brighter, clearer image and a more immersive AR experience). As a result, Vuzix stated that its INCOGNITO technology helps to improve the contrast of virtual images in AR glasses and interaction with the external environment.
“Vuzix INCOGNITO technology makes the tech in a pair of AR smart glasses, or any other waveguide-based head-mounted display, virtually disappear,” said Paul Travers, President and CEO of Vuzix. “User privacy is greatly increased as this technology practically eliminates the ability for any other observer to know that you’re viewing displayed content on your device. While this is a highly desirable feature for consumer use, it represents critical functionality for certain military applications, where forward light in defense situations can quickly compromise the safety of ground troops and military personnel.”
More importantly, Vuzix highlighted that these refinements have been accomplished with no increases in its manufacturing cost per waveguide. As noted by the company’s CEO, the new waveguide functionality will be targeted for introduction into certain defense, industrial, enterprise and ultimately broader consumer applications.
Travers added, “We look forward to incorporating Vuzix INCOGNITO technology into both our standard and customized waveguide solutions as we concurrently begin to ramp waveguide production at our new high-volume, state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in the Rochester NY area.”
For more information on Vuzix and its waveguide technology for augmented reality smart glasses, please visit the company’s website.
Image credit: Vuzix
About the author
Sam is the Founder and Managing Editor of Auganix. With a background in research and report writing, he has been covering XR industry news for the past seven years.